
What is the database schema? - fluxcd/flux2

Flux2 Database Schema

Flux2 uses a database to store information about the resources it manages. The database schema is defined by the kustomizev1.ResourceInventory struct. This struct is used to track the state of resources in a Kubernetes cluster.

kustomizev1.ResourceInventory Struct

The kustomizev1.ResourceInventory struct is defined in the file. It contains a slice of kustomizev1.ResourceRef structs, which represent the metadata of each resource.

File: internal/build/diff.go

// addObjectsToInventory extracts the metadata from the given objects and adds it to the inventory.
func addObjectsToInventory(inv *kustomizev1.ResourceInventory, entry *ssa.ChangeSetEntry) error {
    if entry == nil {
        return nil

    inv.Entries = append(inv.Entries, kustomizev1.ResourceRef{
        ID:      entry.ObjMetadata.String(),
        Version: entry.GroupVersion,

    return nil

// listMetaInInventory returns the inventory entries as object.ObjMetadata objects.
func listMetaInInventory(inv *kustomizev1.ResourceInventory) (object.ObjMetadataSet, error) {
    var metas []object.ObjMetadata
    for _, e := range inv.Entries {
        m, err := object.ParseObjMetadata(e.ID)
        if err != nil {
            return metas, err
        metas = append(metas, m)

    return metas, nil

// diffInventory returns the slice of objects that do not exist in the target inventory.
func diffInventory(inv *kustomizev1.ResourceInventory, target *kustomizev1.ResourceInventory) ([]*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
    versionOf := func(i *kustomizev1.ResourceInventory, objMetadata object.ObjMetadata) string {
        for _, entry := range i.Entries {
            if entry.ID == objMetadata.String() {
                return entry.Version
        return ""

    objects := make([]*unstructured.Unstructured, 0)
    aList, err := listMetaInInventory(inv)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    bList, err := listMetaInInventory(target)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    list := aList.Diff(bList)
    if len(list) == 0 {
        return objects, nil

    for _, metadata := range list {
        u := &unstructured.Unstructured{}
            Group:   metadata.GroupKind.Group,
            Kind:    metadata.GroupKind.Kind,
            Version: versionOf(inv, metadata),
        objects = append(objects, u)

    return objects, nil

func newInventory() *kustomizev1.ResourceInventory {
    return &kustomizev1.ResourceInventory{
        Entries: []kustomizev1.ResourceRef{},

kustomizev1.ResourceRef Struct

The kustomizev1.ResourceRef struct is defined within the kustomizev1.ResourceInventory struct. It represents the metadata of a single resource.

// ResourceRef is a lightweight representation of a Kustomization resource.
type ResourceRef struct {
    ID      string `json:"id"`
    Version string `json:"version"`

The ID field is a string representation of the resource’s metadata, including its group, kind, name, and namespace. The Version field stores the resource’s API version.


An example of a kustomizev1.ResourceInventory entry could be:

  "id": "apps/v1/Deployment/nginx-deployment/default",
  "version": "apps/v1"

This entry represents a Deployment resource named nginx-deployment in the default namespace. The API version of the resource is apps/v1.


The kustomizev1.ResourceInventory struct is a key component of Flux2’s database schema. It provides a mechanism for storing and managing metadata about the resources that Flux2 is responsible for.

This information allows Flux2 to efficiently track changes in the Kubernetes cluster and to manage deployments and other resources.