
GitOps Toolkit for Flux2 on GitHub (

Understanding the GitOps Toolkit, its components, and how it enables continuous delivery on top of Kubernetes.

What is GitOps Toolkit?

GitOps Toolkit is a set of practices and tools that uses Git as the single source of truth for managing infrastructure and applications. It enables continuous delivery by automating the deployment process and ensuring that the desired state of the infrastructure is always in sync with the codebase.

Why is GitOps Toolkit important?

GitOps Toolkit is important because it provides several benefits:

  1. Version Control: GitOps Toolkit leverages Git for version control, enabling developers to manage infrastructure as code and track changes using familiar Git workflows.
  2. Automation: GitOps Toolkit automates the deployment process, reducing the risk of human error and enabling faster deployment times.
  3. Rollbacks: GitOps Toolkit makes it easy to rollback changes if something goes wrong, as the desired state is always stored in Git.
  4. Collaboration: GitOps Toolkit enables better collaboration between teams, as everyone can see and work on the same codebase.

Components of GitOps Toolkit


FluxCD is an open-source GitOps operator for Kubernetes. It continuously synchronizes the desired state of applications in Git repositories with the actual state of the running applications in the cluster. FluxCD supports various Git providers, including GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

Example: Deploying an application using FluxCD

To deploy an application using FluxCD, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Git repository for your application.
  2. Define the desired state of your application in a Kubernetes manifest file (e.g., app.yaml).
  3. Commit the manifest file to the Git repository.
  4. Configure FluxCD to watch the Git repository for changes.
  5. FluxCD will automatically deploy the application to the cluster when the manifest file is committed.


Helm is a popular package manager for Kubernetes. It allows you to package and deploy applications as a single unit, including their dependencies. Helm charts can be stored in Git repositories, making it easy to manage and deploy applications using GitOps.

Example: Deploying an application using Helm and GitOps

To deploy an application using Helm and GitOps, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Git repository for your application and its Helm chart.
  2. Define the desired state of your application in the Helm chart (e.g., values.yaml).
  3. Commit the Helm chart and its values file to the Git repository.
  4. Configure FluxCD to watch the Git repository for changes.
  5. FluxCD will automatically deploy the application to the cluster when the Helm chart or its values file is committed.


Kustomize is a tool for managing and deploying Kubernetes applications. It allows you to customize and extend Kubernetes manifests using patches and templates. Kustomize configurations can also be stored in Git repositories, making it easy to manage and deploy applications using GitOps.

Example: Deploying an application using Kustomize and GitOps

To deploy an application using Kustomize and GitOps, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Git repository for your application and its Kustomize configuration.
  2. Define the desired state of your application in the Kustomize configuration (e.g., kustomization.yaml).
  3. Commit the Kustomize configuration to the Git repository.
  4. Configure FluxCD to watch the Git repository for changes.
  5. FluxCD will automatically deploy the application to the cluster when the Kustomize configuration is committed.


GitOps Toolkit provides a powerful and flexible way to manage and deploy applications on Kubernetes using Git as the single source of truth. By using tools like FluxCD, Helm, and Kustomize, you can easily define, deploy, and manage your applications using GitOps.

