

In the context of the FluxCD project, Development Environments refer to the various stages and configurations used during the development, testing, and deployment of applications. FluxCD is an open-source GitOps tool for Kubernetes that automates the deployment and management of applications.

What is Development Environments?

FluxCD supports multiple environments, each with its unique configuration and purpose. The primary environments are:

  1. Local Development: This environment is used for developing and testing applications locally before pushing them to a remote repository.
  2. Staging: This environment is used for testing applications before deploying them to production.
  3. Production: This environment is used for deploying and running applications in a live environment.

Why is Development Environments important?

Using separate development environments is essential for maintaining a reliable and secure software development process. Each environment serves a specific purpose and allows developers to test their changes in a controlled manner before deploying them to production.

Local Development

To set up a local development environment for FluxCD, follow the instructions in the official documentation. This will guide you through the process of installing FluxCD and setting up a local Git repository.


To set up a staging environment, you need to create a separate Git branch or repository for your application. Once you have made changes to your application, you can create a pull request to merge those changes into the staging environment. FluxCD will automatically deploy the changes to the staging environment for testing.


To deploy applications to a production environment using FluxCD, you need to create a Git repository for your application and configure FluxCD to watch that repository. FluxCD will automatically deploy any changes to the production environment.

For more information on setting up a production environment, refer to the official documentation.

