
Community and Contributing for FluxCD/flux2


The FluxCD community is a group of individuals and organizations who collaborate on the development and maintenance of the FluxCD open-source project, including the FluxCD v2 Kubernetes GitOps operator. This documentation outlines various ways to get involved, contribute to the project, and participate in discussions and meetings.

What is Community and Contributing?

The community and contributing directories in the FluxCD v2 repository (fluxcd/flux2) contain documentation and guidelines for contributing to the project, as well as information on how to engage with the community.

Ways to Contribute

  1. Reporting issues: If you encounter a bug or have a feature request, you can open an issue in the FluxCD v2 repository (here).
  2. Submitting pull requests: If you’d like to contribute code changes, follow the contributing guidelines and submit a pull request.
  3. Documentation: Help improve the project’s documentation by submitting pull requests or suggesting improvements in the docs repository.
  4. Translations: Contribute translations of the project’s documentation into other languages.
  5. Testing: Run the project locally and report any issues or improvements.
  6. Discussions: Engage in discussions on the FluxCD Slack, GitHub Discussions, or other community channels.

Why is Community and Contributing important?

An active and inclusive community is essential for the continued growth and success of the FluxCD project. By contributing, you can:

  • Share your knowledge and expertise with others.
  • Learn from others in the community.
  • Improve the project for yourself and others.
  • Help ensure the project remains inclusive and welcoming to all.

FluxCD’s Code of Conduct outlines the community’s expectations for respectful and inclusive behavior.
