
Command Reference

This section provides a detailed guide on the various commands available in Flux v2, including their usage, options, and examples. For more information about Flux v2, please refer to the official documentation at Flux v2 Documentation.

What is Command Reference?

Command Reference is a set of commands provided by Flux v2 to manage GitOps workflows. These commands enable users to interact with the Flux controller and perform various tasks such as syncing configurations, managing Kubernetes resources, and managing Git repositories.

Why is Command Reference important?

Command Reference is important because it provides a powerful and flexible way to manage GitOps workflows using the command line. This can be particularly useful for automating tasks, integrating with other tools, and managing complex deployments.



The flux command is the main entry point for interacting with the Flux controller. It provides several subcommands for managing various aspects of the GitOps workflow.

flux status

The status subcommand displays the current state of the Flux controller and the GitOps workflow. It provides information about the sync status of various resources, as well as any errors or warnings.

$ flux status

flux sync

The sync subcommand initiates a sync of the current branch in the configured Git repository with the Kubernetes cluster. This command is used to apply the latest changes to the cluster.

$ flux sync

flux create-k8s

The create-k8s subcommand creates a new Kubernetes resource file in the k8s directory of the Flux configuration. This can be used to create or update resources in the cluster using GitOps.

$ flux create-k8s my-deployment.yaml

flux git

The git command is used to manage Git repositories and branches used by Flux.

flux git checkout

The checkout subcommand checks out a specific branch in the configured Git repository. This can be used to switch to a different branch for syncing.

$ flux git checkout my-branch

flux git pull

The pull subcommand pulls the latest changes from the configured Git repository. This can be used to update the local repository with the latest changes before syncing.

$ flux git pull

flux helm

The helm command is used to manage Helm charts used by Flux.

flux helm install

The install subcommand installs a Helm chart from a specified repository and releases it in the Kubernetes cluster.

$ flux helm install my-chart my-release --repo


This Command Reference provides a comprehensive guide to the various commands available in Flux v2, along with their usage, options, and examples. For more information, please refer to the official Flux v2 documentation.

Source: Flux v2 Documentation - Command Reference
