
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) for Flux v2

This documentation provides an overview of the CI/CD processes in Flux v2, including how to automate image updates to Git and manage Helm releases.

What is CI/CD?

CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery) is a software development practice that aims to automate the building, testing, and deployment of code changes. It enables developers to frequently deliver updates to applications in a reliable and efficient manner.

In the context of Flux v2, CI/CD refers to the automated workflows that manage the deployment of Kubernetes applications from source code repositories to production clusters.

Why is CI/CD important?

CI/CD is essential for modern software development as it helps teams to:

  1. Improve code quality: By integrating and testing code changes frequently, developers can identify and address issues early in the development process.
  2. Reduce time to market: Automating the build, test, and deployment processes allows teams to release updates more frequently, reducing the time it takes to bring new features to users.
  3. Ensure consistency: CI/CD ensures that all deployments are built from the same codebase and that the production environment mirrors the development environment.

Flux v2 CI/CD Overview

Flux v2 provides a GitOps-based approach to Kubernetes configuration management, which includes built-in CI/CD capabilities. The following sections describe the key components of the Flux v2 CI/CD workflow.

Automating Image Updates

Flux v2 supports automatic image updates by monitoring Git repositories for changes and triggering a new deployment when a new image is available. This process ensures that the production environment always runs the latest version of the application.

To enable automatic image updates, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Git repository for your application code and Kubernetes manifests.
  2. Configure the kustomization.yaml file to include the images section and specify the container images to be updated.
  3. Set up a webhook in the Git repository to notify Flux v2 of changes.

For more information, refer to the official Flux v2 documentation.

Managing Helm Releases

Flux v2 also supports managing Helm releases as part of the GitOps workflow. This allows teams to declaratively manage their Helm charts alongside their application code.

To manage Helm releases with Flux v2, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Git repository for your application code and Helm charts.
  2. Configure the kustomization.yaml file to include the helmRelease section and specify the Helm chart details.
  3. Set up a webhook in the Git repository to notify Flux v2 of changes.

For more information, refer to the official Flux v2 documentation on managing Helm releases.


Flux v2’s built-in CI/CD capabilities enable teams to automate the deployment of Kubernetes applications from source code repositories to production clusters. By using GitOps, teams can ensure that their production environment remains consistent with their development environment and that they can quickly and reliably deliver updates to their users.

For more information on Flux v2 and its CI/CD capabilities, refer to the official documentation.

