
Navigate the Codebase using the tree view. Use the filters to highlight where various files are grouped to aid understanding.

Getting Started Commands

Project Structure

Below is a short description of the key directories of the project to aid you when understanding where key files are located.

.dockerignore - This file specifies which files and directories to ignore when building a Docker image.
.github/ - This directory contains files related to GitHub, including workflows, codes of conduct, contributing guidelines, and security information.
.github/ - This is a markdown file containing the code of conduct for the project.
.github/ - This is a markdown file containing guidelines for contributing to the project.
.github/dependabot.yml - This is a YAML file configuring Dependabot, a GitHub service for keeping dependencies up to date.
.github/ - This is a markdown file containing a template for pull requests.
.github/ - This is a markdown file containing security information for the project.
.github/workflows/ - This directory contains YAML files defining GitHub Actions workflows for automating various tasks.
.github/workflows/build.yml - This is a YAML file defining a GitHub Actions workflow for building something.
.github/workflows/fixtures/ - This directory contains files used as fixtures for testing GitHub Actions workflows.
.github/workflows/fixtures/7D851EB72D73BDA0.key and .github/workflows/fixtures/7D851EB72D73BDA0.pass - These files are likely used as test keys and passwords for GitHub Actions workflows.
.github/workflows/ - This is a shell script used to generate something for a GitHub Actions workflow.
.github/workflows/gpg-agent.conf and .github/workflows/gpg.conf - These files contain configuration settings for GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) used in GitHub Actions workflows.
.gitignore - This file specifies which files and directories to ignore when using Git.
.golangci.yml - This file configures GoLint, a tool for checking Go code style and syntax.
client/ - This directory contains the source code for the Docker credential helper client.
client/client.go and client/client_test.go - These are Go source files for the Docker credential helper client.
client/command.go - This is a Go source file containing commands for the Docker credential helper client.
credentials/ - This directory contains the source code for the Docker credential helper.
credentials/credentials.go and credentials/credentials_test.go - These are Go source files for the Docker credential helper.
credentials/error.go - This is a Go source file containing error handling for the Docker credential helper.
credentials/helper.go - This is a Go source file containing the main logic for the Docker credential helper.
credentials/version.go - This is a Go source file containing version information for the Docker credential helper.
deb/ - This directory contains files for building a Debian package.
deb/build-deb - This is a shell script for building the Debian package.
deb/debian/ - This directory contains metadata files for the Debian package.
deb/debian/compat - This file specifies the compatibility level of the Debian package.
deb/debian/control - This file contains metadata about the Debian package, including its name, version, dependencies, and description.
deb/debian/docker-credential-pass.install and deb/debian/docker-credential-secretservice.install - These files contain instructions for installing the Docker credential helpers as Debian packages.
deb/debian/rules - This file contains rules for building the Debian package.
deb/Dockerfile - This file contains instructions for building the Debian package using Docker.
docker-bake.hcl - This file contains configuration settings for Terraform, an infrastructure as code tool.
Dockerfile - This file contains instructions for building a Docker image of the project.
go.mod - This file specifies the Go modules used by the project.
go.sum - This file contains checksums for the Go modules used by the project.
hack/ - This directory contains scripts and tools for hacking on the project.
hack/git-meta - This is a Git hook script for managing Git metadata.
hack/release - This is a shell script for releasing a new version of the project.
LICENSE - This file contains the license for the project.
MAINTAINERS - This file lists the maintainers of the project.
Makefile - This file contains instructions for building the project using Make.
osxkeychain/ - This directory contains the source code for the Docker credential helper for macOS Keychain.
osxkeychain/cmd/ - This directory contains the command-line interface for the Docker credential helper for macOS Keychain.
osxkeychain/cmd/main.go - This is the main Go source file for the command-line interface.
osxkeychain/osxkeychain_test.go - This is a Go source file for testing the Docker credential helper for macOS Keychain.
osxkeychain/osxkeychain.c, osxkeychain/osxkeychain.go, and osxkeychain/osxkeychain.h - These are source files for the native macOS code used by the Docker credential helper for macOS Keychain.
pass/ - This directory contains the source code for the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
pass/cmd/ - This directory contains the command-line interface for the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
pass/cmd/main.go - This is the main Go source file for the command-line interface.
pass/pass_test.go - This is a Go source file for testing the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
pass/pass.go - This is a Go source file for the main logic of the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager. - This is a markdown file containing information about the project.
registryurl/ - This directory contains the source code for parsing Docker registry URLs.
registryurl/parse_test.go - This is a Go source file for testing the Docker registry URL parsing.
registryurl/parse.go - This is a Go source file for parsing Docker registry URLs.
secretservice/ - This directory contains the source code for the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
secretservice/cmd/ - This directory contains the command-line interface for the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
secretservice/cmd/main.go - This is the main Go source file for the command-line interface.
secretservice/secretservice_test.go - This is a Go source file for testing the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
secretservice/secretservice.c, secretservice/secretservice.go, and secretservice/secretservice.h - These are source files for the native Windows code used by the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
wincred/ - This directory contains the source code for the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
wincred/cmd/ - This directory contains the command-line interface for the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
wincred/wincred_test.go - This is a Go source file for testing the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.
wincred/wincred.go - This is a Go source file for the main logic of the Docker credential helper for Windows Credential Manager.


Below are files we identified as entrypoints for to the codebase. This is where the application starts and a good place to start when learning.

Description - This file is the entry point for the Windows Credential Helper in the Docker Credential Helpers project. It initializes and runs the main function that handles user interactions and calls the necessary functions to manage credentials using the Windows Credential Manager.
Description - This file is the entry point for the Secret Service Helper in the Docker Credential Helpers project. It initializes and runs the main function that handles user interactions and calls the necessary functions to manage secrets using the operating system's secret service or other supported storage mechanisms.
Description - This file is the entry point for the GNU Privacy Guard Helper in the Docker Credential Helpers project. It initializes and runs the main function that handles user interactions and calls the necessary functions to manage credentials using the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) tool.
Description - This file is the entry point for the OS X Keychain Helper in the Docker Credential Helpers project. It initializes and runs the main function that handles user interactions and calls the necessary functions to manage credentials using the OS X Keychain.
Filename - wincred/cmd/main.go (Windows Credential Helper)
Filename - secretservice/cmd/main.go (Secret Service Helper)
Filename - pass/cmd/main.go (GNU Privacy Guard Helper)
Filename - osxkeychain/cmd/main.go (OS X Keychain Helper)
Path - wincred/cmd/main.go
Path - secretservice/cmd/main.go
Path - pass/cmd/main.go
Path - osxkeychain/cmd/main.go