
Navigate the Codebase using the tree view. Use the filters to highlight where various files are grouped to aid understanding.

Getting Started Commands

Project Structure

Below is a short description of the key directories of the project to aid you when understanding where key files are located.

__mocks__/ and __tests__/ - These directories contain files for testing code using Jest, a testing framework.
.dockerignore - This file specifies which files and directories should be ignored when building a Docker image.
.editorconfig - This file defines coding styles for various editors.
.eslintignore - This file specifies which files and directories should be ignored by ESLint, a tool for enforcing consistent coding styles.
.eslintrc.json - This file configures ESLint.
.gitattributes - This file specifies attributes for Git.
.github/ - This directory contains files related to GitHub, including issue templates, workflows, and codes of conduct.
.github/build-push-action.png and .github/build-push-summary.png - These files are likely images used for displaying the results of the GitHub action.
.github/, .github/, .github/ - These files define the code of conduct, contributing guidelines, and security policies for the repository.
.github/dependabot.yml - This file configures Dependabot, a tool for keeping dependencies up to date.
.github/e2e/ - This directory contains scripts and configurations for end-to-end testing of the GitHub action.
.github/e2e/distribution/ - This directory contains scripts for installing dependencies and setting up environments for end-to-end testing.
.github/e2e/harbor/ and .github/e2e/nexus/ - These directories contain scripts for testing the GitHub action with different container registries, Harbor and Nexus.
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ - This directory contains YAML files defining issue templates for different types of issues, such as bugs and features.
.github/workflows/ - This directory contains YAML files defining GitHub workflows, which are automated processes that run in response to events in the repository.
.gitignore - This file specifies which files and directories should be ignored by Git.
.prettierignore - This file specifies which files and directories should be ignored by Prettier, a code formatter.
.prettierrc.json - This file configures Prettier.
.yarn/ - This directory contains files related to Yarn, a package manager for Node.js.
.yarn/plugins/@yarnpkg/ - This directory contains plugins for Yarn.
.yarnrc.yml - This file configures Yarn.
action.yml - This file defines the GitHub action.
codecov.yml - This file configures code coverage reporting for the GitHub action.
dev.Dockerfile - This file defines a Docker image for development.
docker-bake.hcl - This file defines a HCL configuration for Docker.
jest.config.ts - This file configures Jest for testing.
LICENSE - This file contains the license for the project.
package.json - This file contains metadata and dependencies for the project. - This file contains information about the project. - This file contains information for troubleshooting issues with the project.
tsconfig.json - This file configures TypeScript.
yarn.lock - This file locks down the exact versions of dependencies installed by Yarn.


Below are files we identified as entrypoints for to the codebase. This is where the application starts and a good place to start when learning.

.github/workflows/main.yml - Path: .github/workflows/main.yml
Dockerfile - Path: Dockerfile
go.mod - Path: go.mod
go.sum - Path: go.sum