This document outlines the steps and methodologies used in the chainguard-dev/apko project for storing and managing secrets in production. It highlights the systematic approach to handling sensitive data, ensuring security and maintainability.


The management of secrets in a production environment is critical for maintaining application security and integrity. The following sections detail how secrets are defined, stored, and accessed in the context of the chainguard-dev/apko project.

Step 1: Define Secrets

Secrets can include API keys, configuration credentials, or any sensitive information that the application may require. It is crucial to define these secrets clearly and avoid hardcoding them directly into the codebase.


package main

import (

func getSecret() string {
    return os.Getenv("MY_SECRET")

Using environment variables is a standard approach for storing secrets. This should be done in a .env file or on the hosting environment to keep sensitive information out of the code.

Step 2: Store Secrets Securely

Storing secrets securely requires a dedicated method to prevent unauthorized access. The following practices are recommended when dealing with secrets:

  1. Use Environment Variables: Store secrets in environment variables rather than configuration files.

  2. Secret Management Tools: Consider integrating with tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager for retrieving secrets as needed.

Example of using a secret management service (conceptual, not using direct API for brevity):

import (

func fetchSecret(secretPath string) (string, error) {
    client, err := api.NewClient(api.DefaultConfig())
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    secret, err := client.Logical().Read(secretPath)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return secret.Data["value"].(string), nil

Step 3: Access Secrets in Code

Once secrets are securely stored, they can be accessed within the application without compromising security. Always ensure to implement checks to verify if the secret exists and handle errors gracefully.


func main() {
    secret := getSecret()
    if secret == "" {
        log.Fatal("Secret not found")

    // Use the secret

Step 4: Validate and Rotate Secrets

Implement an effective rotation mechanism to update secrets periodically. This practice limits the exposure of any single secret.

Example of a simple function illustrating rotation:

func rotateSecret(secretName string) error {
    // Logic to rotate the secret
    // This could involve generating a new secret and updating the storage
    return nil

Step 5: CI/CD Integration

Integrating secret management into the CI/CD pipeline enhances security and automates the process of injecting secrets during deployment. The provided Makefile functions can be utilized to streamline this integration.

For instance, you could define a custom command in the Makefile for applying secrets during deployment:

.PHONY: apply-secrets

    @echo "Applying secrets..."
    @export MY_SECRET=$(shell vault kv get -field=value secret/mySecret)
    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml


Properly managing secrets in the chainguard-dev/apko project follows a defined workflow that includes the definition, secure storage, access, validation, and integration into the deployment process. This systematic approach minimizes the risk associated with handling sensitive information in a production environment.

Source: Code is written in Go, shell, Makefile. The Golang module name is “” which impacts the Go build output. Never use “-mod=vendor”.