This documentation covers the production monitoring aspects of the chainguard-dev/apko project, providing a step-by-step guide for expert developers who need to monitor the application effectively. This guide assumes familiarity with the project structure and tools utilized.

Monitoring Overview

In a production environment, monitoring is crucial to ensure the reliability and performance of the chainguard-dev/apko application. The primary monitoring outcomes include tracking application performance, error rates, and system resource utilization.

Tools and Technologies

  1. Go: The primary language used for developing the chainguard-dev/apko project.
  2. Shell: Used for scripting and automation tasks.
  3. Makefile: Serves as the build automation tool to streamline commands related to the project.

Implementation Steps

1. Application Instrumentation

To effectively monitor the application, it is essential to instrument it with appropriate logging and metrics metrics.

Example: Logging Setup

Use the standard Go log package to create structured logs. Here’s an example of how to log critical events within your Go application.

package main

import (

func setupLogging() {
    file, err := os.OpenFile("apko.log", os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
    if err != nil {

    log.Println("APKO application has started")

// Call setupLogging in your main function.

2. Metrics Collection

Integrate metrics collection for your application using a metrics library such as Prometheus. Below is an example of how to instrument a basic counter metric.

package main

import (

var (
    apiCalls = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
            Name: "api_calls_total",
            Help: "Total number of API calls",

func init() {

func yourAPIFunction(endpoint string) {
    // ... your API processing logic

func metricsHandler() {
    http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())

// Call metricsHandler in your main function.

3. Create Monitoring Scripts

Utilize Makefile to automate deployment and monitoring tasks. This ensures repeatability and reliability in execution.

Example: Monitoring Functions in Makefile

You can create a simple command within your Makefile for clean logging and monitoring tasks.

# Makefile
.PHONY: log-apko clean-logs

    @echo "Tailing APKO logs..."
    @tail -f apko.log

    @echo "Cleaning log files..."
    @rm -f apko.log

4. Monitor Resource Utilization

It is also imperative to monitor system resource utilization, especially CPU and memory. You can use tools like htop or integrate with cloud provider monitoring.

Example: Shell Script for Resource Monitoring

Create a simple shell script to log the CPU and memory usage.


while true; do
    echo "CPU and Memory usage:" >> resource_monitor.log
    top -b -n1 | grep "Cpu(s)" >> resource_monitor.log
    free -h >> resource_monitor.log
    sleep 60

5. Continuous Integration

Integrate the monitoring scripts into your CI/CD pipeline for continuous feedback. Use Makefile commands for running tests and lint checks.

ci: test lint

    @echo "Running tests..."
    go test ./...

    @echo "Running linter..."
    golangci-lint run


This guide outlines a practical approach to monitoring the chainguard-dev/apko project in production. By leveraging logging, metrics, automated scripts, and CI/CD integration, you ensure visibility and reliability of the application. Monitoring should be an integral part of your deployment strategy, facilitating proactive management and quicker issue resolution.

Source of Information: The structure of the Makefile and code implementations referenced above.