
Currently, the benhall/flask-demo project does not have CI/CD automation scripts set up. In order to implement CI/CD, there are several steps and tooling options available. This document outlines the next steps towards establishing CI/CD for the project.

Next Steps for CI/CD Implementation

  1. Choose a CI/CD Tool:

    • Popular choices include GitHub Actions, Travis CI, CircleCI, and Jenkins. Choose one based on your team’s preferences and project requirements.
  2. Create Configuration Files:

    • Each CI/CD tool has its own configuration format. For instance, GitHub Actions uses YAML files located in the .github/workflows directory.
  3. Integrate Testing and Coverage:

    • Utilize existing Makefile targets for running tests and generating coverage reports.
  4. Deploy the Application:

    • Define deployment steps in the CI/CD tool, specifying environments and methods for deploying the Flask application.
  5. Automate Dependency Management:

    • Ensure that the installation of dependencies is handled within the CI/CD pipeline. The existing Makefile contains an install target for this purpose.
  6. Notification and Monitoring:

    • Set up notifications for build status to the development team using Slack, email, or other communication tools.

Example CI/CD Pipeline Configuration

As an illustration, a simple GitHub Actions configuration might look like this:

name: CI/CD Pipeline

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Set up Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: '3.8'

      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          make install
      - name: Run Tests
        run: |
          make test

      - name: Collect Coverage
        run: |
          make coverage

This configuration does the following:

  • Triggers on pushes to the main branch.
  • Checks out the code from the repository.
  • Sets up Python 3.8.
  • Installs the necessary dependencies using the existing Makefile.
  • Executes the tests defined in the project.

Utilizing Existing Makefile Targets

The Makefile provides useful commands that can be seamlessly integrated into the CI/CD pipeline. Below are key targets:

  • Run the Flask Application:

        @echo "Starting Flask application..."
        @python app.py
  • Run Tests:

        @echo "Running tests..."
        @python -m unittest discover -s tests
  • Code Coverage:

        @coverage run -m unittest discover
        @coverage report
        @coverage html
        open htmlcov/index.html

Each of these commands can be utilized in the CI/CD process to ensure that all relevant tests are executed and that coverage is collected effectively.


Setting up CI/CD for benhall/flask-demo is essential for maintaining code quality and automating deployment processes. By following the outlined steps and leveraging the existing Makefile capabilities, one can establish a robust CI/CD pipeline that enhances development workflow and minimizes the chances of regression.

As the project evolves, the implementation of CI/CD will facilitate better collaboration, quicker deployment, and continuous improvement practices.